Slide your finger from left to right under the word as you say it.

Read these books with your child daily just as you would read other books with your child.

Please use the suggestions below while using the Your Baby Can Learn! Lift-the-Flap Books:

1. Fold the book over to reveal only one page at a time, as in the picture to the right.

2. Move your finger under the word from left to right as you say it aloud, mimicking the way the arrow moves under the words in the DVDs. Make sure that your finger doesn’t block your child’s view of the word. Move your hand as shown in the picture to the left.

3. When convenient, demonstrate the meaning of the word by using objects, actions, and words.

4. Quickly point to the word again as you say it – or, even better, have your child point to the words in the books as you say them.

5. If your child is capable, have her lift the flap on her own to reveal the pictures and sentences. This will make the process more fun and interactive.

6. An important objective is to help your child realize that he is seeing the same words in the books, on the word cards, and in the DVDs. Occasionally, hold up word cards next to the words in the book to show this.

7. Start at different pages in the book to make it less likely that your child memorizes the order of the words. You could open the book in a somewhat random manner and begin on that page.

8. Beginners should focus only on the words on the front of the flaps. After a few weeks, begin pointing to the words in the sentences on the underside of the flaps.

9. Act out the words. Children enjoy watching their parents perform words for them.

10. Interact with your child to help your child learn. Try to make each word an interactive experience for your child by asking or answering questions about the images.

A Your Baby Can Learn! book showing two open pages with one word on each page.

11. Ask your child questions about the words, not just the images. For example, show your child the words on two pages that face one another, then ask your child to find each word that you name. This could encourage your child to pay closer attention to what the words look like. In the image to the right, you could ask, “Which word says ‘crawling’? Which word says ‘cheek’?”

12. Movement is effective for learning action words, so gently encourage or help your child to perform actions related to the words.

13. Sounds that go with the words can make learning more multisensory and more fun.

14. Play word games with your child! See the inside back covers of your books for examples of numerous fun activities you can do with words, pictures, and objects to help your child learn.